[대만은 지금 = 류정엽(柳大叔)]
한국에서 유학 중인 대만 유학생이 만취한 음주운전자가 몰던 차에 치여 안타깝게 목숨을 잃는 사고가 발생했다.
24일 대만 언론들에 따르면 쩡칭휘(曾慶暉) 위생복리부 자이(嘉義)병원 마취과 주임은 "또 다른 피해자가 발생하지 않았으면 좋겠다. 그래서 음주 운전에 대한 가혹한 처벌을 강화하기 위해 청와대에 법을 개정해달라고 청원한다"고 밝혔다.
쩡 주임은 사고 피해자 쩡이린(曾以琳, 28)씨의 아버지다.
한국에서 유학 중인 쩡이린 씨는 지난 11월 6일 귀가 도중 음주운전 차량에 치여 목숨을 잃었다. 가해 차량은 정지신호를 무시하고 과속으로 달렸다.
숨진 쩡씨의 아버지와 어머니, 친구들은 매우 슬퍼했고, 청와대에 온라인 청원을 시작했다.
자이병원 측은 한국 청와대 청원게시판에 20만 명 이상이 서명해야 한국 정부가 응답해준다고 설명하면서 간곡한 청원이 정족수에 달할 수 있길 바란다고 밝혔다.
쩡 주임은 딸 정쩡이린 씨가 한국의 모 대학에서 신학 박사과정을 밟고 있었다고 밝혔다.
그는 딸은 11월 6일 서울에서 귀가 도중 이러한 변을 당했다며 그에게 이런 일이 일어나리라고는 생각조차 못했다고 밝혔다.
한국 청와대, 국회의원 등에게 편지 보내 음주운전에 대한 법안을 더욱 엄격하게 개정해달라고 요구했다고 밝혔다. 딸의 소중한 생명이 헛된 희생이 되지 않길 희망한다고 덧붙였다.
청와대 청원게시판 캡처 |
청와대 청원 게시판용 글 (중문판+영문판)
[A 28-year-old young woman was killed by a drunk driver while crossing a crosswalk.]
On the evening of November 6, 2020, a 28-year-old promising young woman was hit by a drunk driver while crossing the street on a green pedestrian light. She was killed on the spot.
She was my closest friend and beloved neighbor, nearing five years of residence in Korea as a foreigner. She was a passionate student who worked harder for her dreams than anyone else.
Despite years of living a difficult life in a foreign land, her affections for Korea ran deeper than anyone I knew.
Perhaps Korea was the country where my friend would have wanted to stay, rather than returning to her home country.
This beloved friend was hit by a drunk driver and was forcibly deprived of all of her future opportunities and dreams, dreams and hopes that any young person would have nurtured, would have dreamed of; she was sent to a place of no return.
My friend’s parents, who were allowed only a brief stay in Korea due to COVID-19, were told by the authorities that the driver would actually receive a softer punishment because the accident happened while the perpetrator was drunk.
A drunk driving accident is not just something that can happen to my friend. It can happen to any of our family and friends, regardless of nationality, age, or gender. Drinking and driving is premeditated murder and requires more, not less, severe punishment than other crimes.
There is only one reason for this petition.
My friend, who has gone to heaven, cannot return.
My only hope is of a future where no more precious lives, not even one, have to be taken in terrible drunk driving accidents such as this.
That this tragic event will never repeat for any of our families, our friends, and our loved ones, we urge stronger penalties for drunk driving-related crimes.